I cannot wait til this arrives in my mailbox... these will be available October 1st in the store at The Mosy Scrapper so get your tooshie on over there for some scrappy goodness!!!
There are few things I love more than fussing cutting or having my hands covered with paint, gesso, and various other mediums... I love taking photos of the everyday wonder in my life. My two daughters and two sons are the inspiration for nearly everything I share here. I create with my heart, I go where the photos take me. The good, the bad, the ridiculous, it all makes my life my own. If you'd like to contact me please do so at hkhkelley@gmail.com
OHHHHHHH that is the cutest stuff ever!!!!!
Love that owl P/paper. You blog looks fabulous Heidi and loving your layouts on Deb's Creations, what an inspiration you are:)
Hugs Angie
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