Monday, March 8, 2010

Beautiful Boyhood **Couture Cardstock**

This layout is featured on Couture Cardstock's blog today! Make sure that you are looking for today's challenge and entering in to WIN IT ALL while you are there too!!

Seriously? Could my son be any more gorgeous? I know that I am SLIGHTLY biased, but goodness he is beautiful. People keep telling me that you are not supposed to call boys beautiful - and I keep wondering why not? This photo is almost perfection, and it is not because of the photographer I am, but completely and 100% because of the subject matter. :)
Pin It!


Alyssa said...

I agree, he is gorgeous. and growing SO fast! He changes every time I see him. Which isn't often enough, by the way! ;)

Nathalie Kalbach said...

he is beautiful and so ist the layout! amazing!

Vee said...

this is gorgoeous Heidi!

Vel said...

Oh wow, this is so beautiful!

Broni said...

He is DEFINITELY beautiful, Heidi!! And I LOVE this layout! Gorgeous!!