Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bad Heidi... BAD.

Okay, so I have been horrid. Just downright terrible about catching everyone up on this thing. It isn't that I don't love sharing my woes, joys, and creations with you... I just, well... have been entirely lazy. I am enjoying this pregnancy way too much by way of snoozing while my girlees are at school, munching on zucchini and brownies for lunch, pulling my hair back, and wearing my pajamas all day long. For those things I won't apologize, lol. But I will now attempt to re-join the blog-osphere and will do so today by trying to cram the last ohhhh, 2 months or so into this one teeny, weeny, skinny, but maybe long post!

October brought with it a very large belly... only 28 weeks in this here photo. **snicker** I told you that I grow 'em big. (Can you see why I spend a lot of time with my feet up?)

We got to see sweet Jax on our 4D ultrasound, and he is the most beautiful baby ever. And no, I am not biased. His lips are so sweet, and I cannot wait to hold him... this is now getting unbearable. I want him to stay in there as long as he can, but I can't wait to see him outside the belly. He is weighing in at 3.5 lbs already, well on his way to topping his sisters' 10 lb birthweights... just look at the size of his foot already.

I then resigned from Scrap n'Art. I have loved working for and with these ladies, but it was time to move forward and begin focusing my attentions back onto my family, and the newest love of my life who will be here soon. The time that I spent was wonderful with SNA, but too much... and I could not commit to giving them that time any longer when my baby boy will be consuming my every waking moment! I need to be able to see my girls when they get home from school, hold Jax for hours at a time, and shoot flirty winks at my husband across the room while doing so... therefore, holing myself up in the scrap room will just not do any longer!

As I resigned from SNA, a new opportunity arose... one that I believe I can indeed commit to. I will be designing now for Couture Cardstock! Haven't heard of them yet? Just wait. There is some delicious things coming your way!

My darling daughter Ahna is strumming her evenings away. This delights me in so many ways! First, that she was found an activity that she enjoys! She has never been a physical kind of girl, and creativity runs wild in this one... music is the perfect outlet for her! She has already grown leaps and bounds, and her music teacher is incredible with her... pushing her like she needs, but gently in a way that is causing her to bloom!

Then we took our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch... This is one of my favorite times of the year... beautiful colors, children delighted, caramel apples... you know what I am talking about.

A week ago we had our family portrait taken... yet another thing I have been incredibly lazy about. I cannot believe that I am going to confess to this as a scrapper and mother, but the last time we had a professional family portrait done was when Sarenna was 4 months old. SHAME ON ME, I know. **sigh** But... we went ... and I am really happy that we did before Jax comes, because not only does this give me the push to get another photo done because our family picture will be incomplete otherwise, but it helps me to remember the blessed years of just the 4 of us!
I also was able to get my preggo pics taken **GASP** I know, I know, those of you who know me... have heard me say never, not ever will I allow this to happen. I re-thought it, and since I am still feeling somewhat okay.. been a good pregnancy that way.. I jumped off the ledge and did it. I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER ABOUT IT. This will, however, probably be the last preggo pic anyone sees of me this pregnancy. Since I am 32 weeks right now, and the baby is due to double in size over the next month... so will I, and ummm, enough said.

AND last but certainly not least... I decided to take some time for myself this morning, away from DT obligations and assignments, away from chores, and scrap for myself. I cannot honestly remember the last time that I did this, so I had a blast!! Here is what I did...

And that's about it my friends. Insert about 60 naps, a few ice cream sundaes, homework assistance a plenty, unpacking the remaining boxes, and you have my last two months or so! I promise, or at least will try a bit harder now, to keep this updated a bit better!

Love you all.
Pin It!


Julie said...

Let me say first of all, I miss you. Jax is sooo beautiful, and you are so beautiful, wow love those pictures of you that you had done with the belly shot. I had some done as well and was kinda hesitant about it and was so very happy I did them. The family picture turned out wonderful, the girls are getting so big, and glad to hear they are doing great. Can't wait to hear about your new adventure and can totally understand needing to refocus on the family. As always your layouts are breathtaking.

Angela said...

Hi Heidi

Glad to see you and the family are safe and well. You are looking radiant and I do hope everything goes perfectly for you for the end of the pregnancy.

Love your creations, just beautiful and inspiring as always.

regards Angie xo

Amooretto said...

you are amazing is all I can say!

So happy for you and your new venture. It's good that you are taking time for you and your family. I can understand. You will have to get lots of pictures of Jax b/c we all want to see your creations!

The girls are getting so big! Love the family pictures too!

Congrats on the Couture Cardstock. Will have to look them up. :)

Vicki said...

Heidi - you look so gorgeous pregnant! Lovely to have an update on you - miss you lots!! MWAH xx

Jamie Pyles said...

Heidi:) Wow, you look STUNNING! Gorgeous pics, love the belly and family photo! I can soo relate to needing the regrouping and family time! Good for you, and your new layouts are amazing! Feels good to create just for you doesn't it?:) I'm glad you are feeling well and that baby Jax is growing strong:)
Keep us posted on your new venture!!! Have a great weekend:)
Hugs my friend

J said...

sweet post. you're adorable preggo :)