Saturday, May 1, 2010

{i scrap}

So today I actually scrapped TWO layouts! What?! In one day?! Yep, I went over to and they posted an ALL DAY challenge for NSD, and I thought... what the hey, I will do it. :) Kind of funny though, because we were challenged to scrap about WHY we scrap... and I did that layout two weeks ago for Couture Cardstock too.

But I didn't let it stop me.

Here is my layout!
{i scrap} To Treasure This Journey

(And some close-ups to see the cool little glass beads, paste, and other goodies that are a bit hard to see in the photo!)

Pin It!


Alyssa said...

Ummm... ok,. so I love this layout! BUT the weird thing is, I did a layout today in those colors and using the same flower. Hmmm...

Nathalie Kalbach said...

I love love love the design and colors- awesome layout!

Angela said...

Wow! Stunning photo for a stunning layout. Gorgeous colours selected, love it all. Angie

Cindy Gay said...

Beautiful lady and glass beads!

Nicole Nowosad said...

beautiful!!! love those details!!

Lesley Langdon said...

I am in awe - this is such a beautiful layout, and love the title.