Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's A BOY! (or so the early scan says... lol.)

I had my first ultrasound scan, and the tech was sure enough that it was a boy to say she'd wager a year's salary on it! We shall see... :) Not ready to buy all the clothes yet, but July 29th will be my next ultrasound and that will be for "certain."
The girls are excited, and hubby is ecstatic to say the least... finally a bit of testosterone for this house, lol!
Pin It!


Marie-France Gervais said...

That's awesome! Congrats! Are you thinking of names yet?

stephanie garbett said...

omg omg look at that little hansome man oh my heidi i am so so happy for you yay shopping time for me he he let the fun begin xx

Karen Lee said...

Congrats Heidi!! A Boy...whoo-hoo!

hugs, Karen Lee

Jamie Pyles said...

Congrats to you and your family! Love your work!!

Carol said...

Congrats Heidi from a fellow SNA'er! I nominated you for a blog award, you have to check it out on my blog! Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Heidi that is so AWESOME! I know exactly what you mean when you say that you aren't buying the clothes yet. Went thru that myself. It's almost like it's dream after having all the girlie-pink-princessie stuff in the house. What to do now?!!! TRUCKS, CARS, DINOSAURS!!! :) Talk to you later!

Beate said...

Amazing! Boys are so much fun! I'm so happy for you!

pink4u said...

Hope you are feeling ok...congrats on your little baby wonderful for you and your family!!! Take care and rest!!...oh.. and scrap when you can!!!! :)

Judith said...


Judith said...
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Judith said...


Stacey Towers said...

Congrats girl!!!!! woo hoo!! I am so excited for you!!!!

domestic goddess said...

wohoo, so exciting!