Monday, June 10, 2013

Gone, but not missing!

Hugs and love to my creative friends, and muses, especially those that have quietly and privately emailed me with concern about my "absence" recently in creating. I thought it time to quick pop in and give a little update on the Heidi "happenings" so that I am not leaving you all wondering where I have gone... :)

I have some littles in my life who currently need my attention :) and for that reason, I have stepped down from the design teams that I had contracts left with. (Most of my contracts were up for renewal or over as of June first.) Without a doubt I can say that I just felt it unfair for me to be holding a position that I could not give 100% to and because of my need to prioritize my little ones, it was time to let go for a bit. It has been such a pleasure to work for some truly amazing companies, alongside incredible artists, inspiring, and being inspired!

Without going into great detail, my youngest (16months) has been in therapy for gross motor delay, and they are also talking about some sensory issues. All tests so far have ruled out anything grave, we are awaiting the results of a few more blood tests, but feel that he is making awesome progress already with his physical therapist. In addition to this, my three year old son was diagnosed with SPD in January, specific to food aversion and is in "food therapy" currently also. We are almost to the other side of battling that issue, he's doing awesome, but we aren't quite finished there either. Two of my four have weekly appointments for allergy issues, and we just discovered that my oldest daughter has had a dislocated hip for potentially years, which has impacted her in several ways physically and she is now in physical therapy as well. Soooo.... The short story is that my kids need me more time wise :)) because we are averaging 6-8 appointments per week right now. I know that we are all busy, and every family has its load of ups and downs and I only share all this with you because I had received quite a few questions, and I wanted to thank you for your concerns, it truly has meant the world to me. We are so blessed that nothing has been grave medically, we've ruled out so much, and things could be so, so, so, much worse. Time, prayers, and lots of lovin' is just what my kiddos need from me right now, and I'm ready to give it to them 100%!

Thank you all for joining me, playing along with me, and being such great friends! I'm not gone for good, just going to be MIA in the crafty world for awhile until we get some of this settled. :) Don't be  strangers! While I might not be posting here, I still have email and my Facebook page.

Love and Hugs!


  1. Oh Heidi, I did wonder where you got to. I am a big fan of 7Dots and I'd not seen anything by you there for a while. I will truly miss your amazing, artsy, inspirational pages. I love your work ! But, you are totally doing exactly what needs to be done. Family always comes first....definitely before paper ! Good luck to you and your little ones and I wish all of you well, fit and healthy for the future.

  2. Oh Heidi, You are one strong Mama! I admire you as a mom just as much if not more than a crafter- although you are one AMAZING crafter :) I will be praying for your family :)

  3. Heidi, you are very strong and I am sure that your kids will feel better very soon. Take care

  4. You're an amazing artist but furthermore an amazing mother!
    Take care and all my wishes for you and Your children.
    It's been a pleasure working With you and I'm sure we'll see you again sometime in the future!
    Lots of hugs!

  5. Wishing you and yours only the best and I will keep you and your family in my prayers!! I love all your work and will look forward to seeing more again when time allows it!! I know the children will continue to make great progress and happy that there is nothing grave to deal with!! Hang in there and stay strong! And as my good friend always says "this to shall pass"!! Hugs Linda

  6. thinking of you and your family!! I'm so proud of all the progress your kids have been doing so far!! would love to hear about this food therapy, I wonder if my DD needs it.
    hugs to you my friend!!

  7. PS Love the Maja LO you did, with the black paint drippage,(not sure if this a word, if not should be:) Beautiful.

  8. My previous post got lost but basically said you have and will be missed by me. But completely understand your priorities and your babies are very lucky to have you as a mom. Plus that's why YT is here, when I'm craving your inspiration, I can watch the tutorials again.

  9. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I will sure miss your creative and inspiring work but happy to read you are putting your family first :) hugs, Mona

  10. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

  11. Can totally understand the need to be with your kiddos! You are a beautiful mom and they are lucky to have you in their corner! Best wishes to you, Heidi!

  12. Sometimes our creative life has to take a back seat. I am in the same situation as you are. I am taking care of my elderly father in law who is need of my attention 100% right now. I have had to step down, as well as turn down DT positons. It was very difficult for me to do. Some understood, and some did not.Some backed me, and others did not. Doesn't matter. There are those who need us more than anything else, and your attention is best spent on them. Family first. I will keep you and your family in my prayers and hope that you all get through this without difficulty. I absolutely love seeing the little snippets of the videos of your kids. The love that they have for each other is heartfelt. I totally understand your absence. I am behind you 100%. But dont forget to take care of yourself. Scrapping is my therapy, I have just cut my long term commitments for the time being. Picking up a few assignments here and there keeps me in the loop and gives me that creative pleasure I crave. And that's OK... xoxoxo Hang in there girl. This is what we call life. For some of us, it just takes a different direction at times. When you are able to take a deep breath...Just breath...
