Friday, June 15, 2012

Prima's Design Team 2012-2013

Another year designing for Prima, yep,  yep - I am thrilled to be a part of the 2012-2013 team! Please welcome the new girls, and join me in congratulating the girls who are returning as well... it is going to be a fantastically, brilliantly, creative, new, year!

Anna Marie Wolniak Collage
Anna Dabrowska Collage
Brit Sviggum Collage
Felicity Wilson1
Gerry Van Gent Collage
Hege Lundquist Collage
Janna Werner Collage

Juliana Montoya Collage
Larissa Albernaz Collage
Lea Lawson Collage
Lene Bjornerud
Leslie Ashe Collage
Magda Bolinska Collage

Maiko Kosugi Collage
Marie-Nicolas Alliot Collage
Solange Marques Collage

Stacey Young Collage
Steph Devlin
 And of course, Prima's AMAZING Design Team Coordinator:

Sharon Laakkonen: USA
Sharon Laakkonen Collagergb
  • Sharon's Blog Link..........................................................
 And Prima also picked up these amazing 12 guest designers! Make sure you keep your eyes peeled for their work!

Vibeke Harila
Camilla Ekman
Louise Nelson
Jill Van Iperen
Olga Heldwein
Kasia Krzymińska
Frank Garcia
Adrienne Ford
Celine Regnier
Marilyn Rivera
Tanya Dudkina
Keren Tamir

Congratulations everyone!
xx Heidi


  1. Congratulations Heidi!!!!! I am SO Happy to work with you too your work is amazing!!!!!
    Juliana ;)

  2. Congratulations, Heidi! I love your work and I can`t wait to spend the year creating with you!
    Hugs ~Gerry~

  3. Congratulations! Great that your part of the team!

  4. Congrats Heidi- I'm sure you'll have another amazing year and I look forward to seeing your continued gorgeous creations!!

  5. Woooooot so so glad your back!!! :) xx

  6. YAY Heidi! You rock girl! No question you would be returning. So inspired by you!
