Monday, September 26, 2011

Delicious-ly Fall!

It's my favorite time of year again! Cool, crisp, air... football, cider, pumpkin bread and donuts. Yay! What better way to break in the season of thanks then to craft away using Shimmerz products? Here is a glimpse of my newly decorated porch, after glamming up a pumpkin and some mini's...

and a few close-ups...

But you will have to log onto the Shimmerz Vlog to see just how I made them :))

white craft pumpkin and minis
Shimmerz Coloringz in My Bleeding Heart, No Yoking, Mandarin Mai Tai, and Tropical Tanline
Shimmerz Pearlz in This Spuds 4 U
Shimmerz Enamelz in Gold Digger

xx Heidi